Gimpology: GIMP for Dummies

I was doing my usual mindless punching of the Stumbleupon button yesterday when I came across a website that caught my eye.

Gimpology is a website dedicated to showing new GIMP users some of the techniques involved in effective graphic design using the freeware photo and graphic maniuplation tool GIMP . It contains a plethora of tutorials showing even the most novice user how to make some spectacular works of art, using only this piece of software. Every step, data entry, and process is explained. Being someone with no prior knowledge of the graphic design process, this was extremely helpful in showing me how to manipulate certain tools to make some amazing things.

As I said, I have no previous experience with any graphic design program at all, and I made these:


Unknown said...

I like it! I have to say that the blue wallpaper the best. I'm gonna have to make one of those.